10 Expert Tips to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Blog

You heard that one too many times, doesn’t it? Not really. Organic traffic is better than any other form of advertising you could get from Google. I won’t bore you with these points but I’ll give you the condensed version.

Organic traffic is still the best traffic you can get from Google because it sends you highly targeted traffic. Once you do it right, it’s free traffic. It doesn’t matter if you have $10 dollars in ads for an ad campaign. These keywords on Google will only show what they have been targeting for the last two weeks and so on.

Let that sink in. And now, look at this piece of information-

Organic traffic isn’t cheap!

There are some people who make the mistake of thinking that all organic traffic is low quality paid services. Of course, they know nothing about SEO.

If you want more quality content like this… read that post by my good friend Steve and learn much more about how to earn and increase organic traffic to your blogs. Just click here to jump straight to the part where I explain 10 tips to help you increase your organic traffic.

With time however, we become wiser and better and we understand better. The old adage, “Don’t spend money, don’t make money” has been busted since the 80’s. We see too many businesses in our neighborhoods or cities making millions with their marketing efforts.

Well, I’m going to prove to you one thing, those aren’t made with fake traffic and this article is an eye opener to show you how you can put your advertising campaigns into proper use and bring great results that you need to grow your blog and website.

10 Tips To Help With Growing Your Website/Blog

1- Build A Trustful Web Presence

Trust us, if you hire someone to build a trusty web presence for you then trust me they will fail. This guy is supposed to build your site, grow your brand and help you generate visitors. The problem is he doesn’t see no value before him. He thinks he is smarter than you. That’s not true.

Trust us, once you hire someone to build a web presence and you trust them, they will work extra hard for you. They will always be there. Don’t believe anything they say about yourself or your website. Trust me, they know exactly everything you are talking about. Now, this leads me to the next point………..

2- Start Localizing Your Content Around People

We live in a society where most of the articles published online is written in English. Some people have done research and found that around 72% of bloggers write for an audience in English.

But unfortunately, we have also started believing that when we publish something to an English audience, we must know the language of every single person reading it.

We have to have that skill to deliver value to our readers. Also, the fact that we do not need to speak their native language affects your views.

When we try to sell something to people in Spanish, we lose half of it. So, we keep writing in English even though we do not deliver value. This is one issue with having localized content on this website. Do not let that happen to you-

3- Include More Link Building Techniques In Your Strategy

Link building is the key to growing your blog. We get linked to hundreds of websites just by linking back to theirs. All of them have the same goal- to get links directed towards that website that brings real value and engagement to their readers.

They do not care whether you are a blogger, businessman, singer, writer, doctor, fitness coach etc. They care that you add them to your website.

According to Moz, link building techniques include adding relevant backlinks to your site, including relevant anchor phrases, using external sources to drive link clicks, publishing guest posts, creating outreach emails, sharing your original content and getting social signals on your social media accounts.

When we include these link-building techniques, your audience gets more relevant and valuable for their query and your website becomes rankable in its own space. At least, Google likes to notice this kind of stuff.

4- Make Sure Your Site Is Up To Date

Do you think that your website is up to date and search engine friendly? No, sorry about that. Because the first step to developing a successful search engine strategy for your business is being current with your content.

Always keep updating your website and be sure all the pages are maintained and optimized to work effectively with your keyword strategy. Try to update the structure of each page and the content of the entire site.

If you don’t, your customers won’t know which pages are updated for them. It may give you a bad impression on the customer end and may affect their perception of your service or product. For example, if you write this blog post in 2016 and this year, this is what is available?

What about 2022? Maybe this is too complicated and the website should be optimized to support keywords that relate to technology. Or maybe, this website was created in 2005 and you never put a thought to it. But the older version of the site was designed from scratch. Now it is outdated, broken and can’t function efficiently.

5- Implementing Video Links Should Be Easy

According to Backlinko, videos have 8x more engagement than text and therefore, we recommend including video links in your website’s content wherever possible.

Remember, your site is full of images, videos and pictures. Including visuals in your content is necessary. Take advantage of this by embedding video on your homepage and throughout the entire domain.

You can add a call-to-action at the bottom of your page to encourage people to share with others what they learnt while watching your video. Use short and catchy titles like these as a simple incentive to share the link with others who might find it helpful.

6- Post High Quality Articles Regularly

Most people do not bother their friends with comments or messages daily but it will bring more benefits if they include high quality content regularly. Give your subscribers updates and useful info about your company and its products and services.

Share your latest products and features on social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat among others. Offer discounts and promotions frequently on popular ecommerce sites or even offer coupons. This makes the user feel valued.

7- Write Engaging & Interesting Newsletters

Newsletters are important ways to communicate with your followers. Whether on personal or professional level. You send emails to your fans and clients and it helps both parties in building closer relationships.

Emails are effective ways of interacting and spreading news to attract new audiences, especially when you include newsletters with attractive subject lines and headlines. If you are wondering how often to send out newsletters for your business, consider sending two to three monthly newsletters to your audience.

8- Create An Email Marketing System

Email is one of the most effective methods of communicating and getting valuable information to the audience. Many brands are trying to incorporate email marketing strategies into their business strategies.

By integrating an email marketing system, your users will be able to get regular updates and reminders. Moreover, this will make sure that the sender of the message will follow up on his promise to provide updates via email response and hopefully gain more leads on top of the email.

9- Promote Videos Properly

Videos are powerful tools and they can boost your sales conversion. While promoting your videos make sure that you target your potential viewers with your targeted keywords. Try to create engaging and interesting videos that your targeted group would enjoy.

This can be achieved by identifying people who will watch your vids and find the following topics- information that relates to their interests, questions that they ask and answers related to them.

10- Create Helpful & Useful FAQs

You know the saying ‘write twice, edit once’. This saying explains perfectly your job as far as providing content to customers. Before taking out your pen or pencil, ensure that you are familiar with the terms like:

What is a featured snippet? It is a description of the main points and main focus of the whole piece of the article and can be used as a tool that informs your reader about your topic that you provide. Featured snippets should usually be around 150 words long.

What is the difference between micro-copy and macro copy? Macro copy refers to the content that your readers will find helpful whereas micro-copy would refer to those elements that contain less important details about the article.

Which is more powerful — image or video?

Video is mostly a visual medium. Hence, it is suitable for conveying quick messages and facts or numbers with your customers or prospects. As compared to images, videos can provide maximum impact to your consumers. Visual messages tend to leave stronger impressions.

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